#58 Hunter Pets - Issues - DataStore - Addons - Projects ... The following code snippet will scan all pets a hunter has either active or in the stable. It will add just the name of the pet to a table called list and takes care of empty spots by not storing nil if it is found. Best Damn WoW Hunter Macro Collection on the Web I just started playing WoW and my first character is a hunter. I love animals so it was a natual fit for me. When I found your website and the hunter macros, it was one of the best things I’ve seen yet to help with combat. I’m not that coordinated, and there are SO many different combinations.
Hunter 101: Which pet should I get? (WOD) | Aspect of the Murloc
Using the Stable - wow-petopia.com 2016-2-25 · A Stable Master is a special NPC who will store your hunter pets while you aren't using them. A stable is the UI that we use to interact with the Stable Master in order to store and retrieve our pets. To use the stable you just speak with the Stable Master the same way you would speak to a vendor. How many pets can you tame as a hunter? : wow - reddit World of Warcraft on Reddit!. jump to content. my subreddits. edit subscriptions. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit Taught my girl to play WoW, she beat me once in a duel and won't stop messaging me this screenshot. I should disown her ... You need to go to a stable master in a city/town and drop a pet off there to free up a slot to tame ... Which 5 vanilla pets will your hunter use permanently
Latest Hunter topics - World of Warcraft Forums
world of warcraft hunter pet question? | Yahoo Answers To have multiple pets you must go to a pet minder or something... I forget what they are called, and buy a second pet slot. Then put your existing pet into thecall your pet back and put him with the stable master(they are usually by hunter trainers),after it is with them you can tame another pet.whenever... We need more stable slots - Hunter - World of Warcraft…
So, you see other wow hunters with their pets and you don't have one or even know how to get your first pet? Obtaining a pet and taming it is one of the coolest things about being a hunter in World of Warcraft.It is OK to stable your pet if you do not need it. Stabling will not make the pet lose loyalty.
More stable slots would make me very happy. There are some pets I let go of that I want back. Namely my scorpid and core hound. 3 active and storage sounds very good to me. And before anyone complains if this happens. Forget about getting the gold back for the last two active slots you bought. It’s the price of playing the game within the game.
Remove pet - World of Warcraft - YouTube
Pet optimization is now about selecting pet talents. It is similar to how training was, but there is no trainer involved; it works just like your talents, exceptThere are some new exotic pet families; these require the Beast Mastery hunter talent to use. You can buy two more slots in the stable, four total. How to Stable a Hunter Pet in “WoW” : World of Warcraft… Stable a pet of the Hunter in WoW with help of a World of Warcraft-expert in this free video clip. Expert: Ronald Ogden filmmaker: Reid Ogden series Description: World of Warcraft is one of the most popular computer games exist for a reason-it’s every bit as much fun to play if you’ve heard, if not more. WoW Hunter Visual Petopia of Pets | WoW Hunter Pets WoW Hunter Pets is the ultimate visual petopia of wow pets for wow hunters with complete details for every World of Warcraft pet updated frequently.You can find below our full list of 355 wow hunter pet models currently stored in our system. Not sure which pet is the best one for your character? Wow hunter pet stable slots I like these new patches much better. You are the Don!
Are Hunter pet stable slots going to be increased in Legion? I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere. With all of the new pets available to tame, does anyone know if we're going to get more stable... Yes, Hunters, you may have more stable slots to store your ... Hunters are getting a heck of a lot in the way of new pets in Battle for Azeroth, including four new pet families and a host of new animals to tame. But where is an enterprising Hunter going to store all those pets? Turns out you won't need to worry about that so much -- Hunters will also be getting 10 more stable slots in the new expansion as well, according to popular Hunter pet site Petopia. Using the Stable - wow-petopia.com A Stable Master is a special NPC who will store your hunter pets while you aren't using them. A stable is the UI that we use to interact with the Stable Master in order to store and retrieve our pets. To use the stable you just speak with the Stable Master the same way you would speak to a vendor. How do I get Pet's (Hunter)? - World of Warcraft Answers ...